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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Blog Has Moved

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And don't miss my Hurricane Irma posts as we are evacuating our barrier island home for the second time in under a year.


Please Don't Get Lost! Big changes are happening, and I don't want you left behind.

Hi all! You may or may not have noticed that I am in the middle of a complete blog overhaul. has been moved in hopes of making the blog better and more user-friendly and prayerfully helping even more women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday stuff.

 I am just now switching over to a self-hosted WordPress blog, which sounds pretty impressive except I really don’t know what it means! But apparently it is the thing to do if you are a "serious" blogger ... or at least want to give the impression that you are.

I am in the midst of a lot of learning, researching, and yes, a few childish fits. This site will get much better over the days to come with many changes each day. 

Because of this change, any who have previously signed up for post alert emails will be lost. For this reason I ask you to please take a second to click HERE, and subscribe via email again (or perhaps for the first time), so you will automatically be alerted when I have a new post because goodness knows we all have enough to keep track of! I don't want to lose anyone in this transition, and I want to continue together on this journey of keeping God first and our sanity intact! Feel free to bring along as many friends as you like!

Would also love to have you follow me on Facebook and Instagram 

 So much more to come on the new site, but in the meantime it is only fitting that today we hold this verse in mind…

  He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11

 So thankful for all of you! Have an awesome week...regardless of what it brings!


Yes, all my plants are dead. But it's for the children! How to turn your weaknesses into life lessons they won't forget.

I have always been a firm believer that my mess is my message. I have an uncanny ability to greatly threaten the life of any potted plant under my jurisdiction. You know those plants that are supposed to be drought resistant, hardy, able to survive all the elements, impossible to kill? Yeah, well under my care even they have to fight for survival! But even that can be used for good. :-) 

Both my children (each at the age of 3) have a memory of being by my side learning to prune plants, picking off the dead stuff. As we did so I took the opportunity to explain to them how God prunes us because He loves us. It's a long, difficult, sometimes painful process, but God pulls out the bad stuff in our lives so that we can grow more good stuff. It's an incredible object lesson that, were my plants not dried up, scraggly and fighting for their lives, my children would have never had the opportunity to participate in. :-)

Do you have messes in your life that you should just fess up to and allow God to use for His good? Don’t be ashamed of your struggles, your weaknesses. Instead, examine them, and see how you can use them as life lessons for your kiddos. Don't be afraid (or too proud) to bring your children alongside you, and let them help you clean up your messes. In doing so, you can take the opportunity to point them to the perfect, loving Father who continually prunes us and makes us bloom.

As you may have heard … the Light shines better through cracked pots!

"I am the true Vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that continues to bear fruit, He [repeatedly] prunes, so that it will bear more fruit [even richer and finer fruit]." John 15:1-2 (AMP)

Click HERE for more thoughts on parenting.