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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Getting into the Bible and getting something out of it! - Part 3

James 1:25 says that we are blessed when we look into the perfect law that gives freedom and then don't forget what it says. To me, that says memorizing scripture is a major key to a powerful walk with the Lord. I promise it's not as hard as you think, and in this short video I share some tips and tricks for doing it effectively and easily. This could definitely change your life!

If the video doesn't appear immediately, just take a moment to list five things you are thankful for. It should be here when you finish! :)

Find more videos on my YouTube Channel!

Looking for some verses to get you started? Head over to my Memorize This! page!


Pick your banana!

I'm always praying for creative parenting ideas. Here's one that I'm getting a lot of mileage and laughter out of! :) 

The Lord has set before us life and death. Choose life! You can pick a sweet yummy attitude or rotten stinky one. The choice is up to you. Pick your banana!


Merry Christmas!

"It is time to make what Jesus did for you bigger than what anyone did to you!" 
- Christine Caine 

Take that and go forward and walk in the victory that Christ has already won on your behalf! Christians, this is OUR season. This isn't about a man in a red suit, this isn't about bright lights, this isn't about cookies. All of that is great, but every bit of it is to honor and praise and recognize the day that the Lord of Lords and King of Kings laid down His glory and stepped into our world in the form of a vulnerable, poor, helpless baby for the sole purpose of living with the goal of laying down His life in the most horrific of ways out of a love that we can scarcely comprehend. All for the purpose of bringing you and I into a perfect, whole, passionate, fully reconciled, completely forgiven and incredibly exciting relationship with the Creator of the world, the Lover of our souls, our one true Father!

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest! Climbing off the soapbox now. 😁

Merry Christmas!


In the midst of the storm

"Long ago I learned that people are not known by how they act when they're in control, but by how they react when things are beyond their control." - John Maxwell

Well, if you have ever wondered where exactly in Florida we moved to just look at the map of where the eye of hurricane Matthew is projected to hit Florida's East Coast and you will see our home. We are 20 miles south of Cape Canaveral. We are beachside of Melbourne (on the barrier island). 

We are all safe and together in Southwest Florida with Tim's parents. We left our home yesterday under a mandatory evacuation. The house is as prepared as it can possibly be. Now we settle in to watch and wait. Here are the two video blogs I have done, and I will continue to keep everyone updated with more of them. All prayers are greatly appreciated. 


When God speaks to you through your kids, listen!

What God said through the mouth of my four-year-old son while I was cleaning milk and Cheerios off the floor for the second time this morning. Oh and by the way, I was the culprit in this mess! 


Get into the Bible and get something out of it! - Part 1

Super excited about this new video blog series I just started! If you've ever found yourself struggling to really get something out of studying the Bible, or really get yourself geared up to do it, please check out this series. Simple, practical steps to just get into the Word and really get something out of it! 

 Click the link below:

 Please like, Subscribe, follow, share, and all that good stuff! :-) Enjoy!

Here's a picture of the kiddos modeling Nerium, the antiaging skincare line I sell! :-) They are both absolutely loving school! They are doing great and there's another picture here of my baby girl who just turned seven!😳


God's will is not a golden Easter egg!


In this clip I explain that God's will is not the Golden Easter egg and tell you how I found His will and how you can easily do the same!



Overcoming...One baby step at a time!

Hi all! I know once again it has been way too long. The summer has flown by. We have made many memories that will last a lifetime including three different trips to visit with grandparents. One of which celebrated Tim's granddad's 90th birthday! And a 2 week trip exploring Seattle, Vancouver and a week cruise to Alaska, complete with helicopters, seaplanes, glaciers, gold-mining and railroads! It has all been a whirlwind of a blessing and now, for us school starts next week!

I have plenty to share in the coming weeks and months about different things the Lord has laid on my heart throughout the summer. But one thing I want to do right now is to encourage each of you to take a look at your life, see if there is any area that causes you pointless anxiety (of course Jesus tells us all anxiety is pointless!) and then make a decision to find baby steps to begin overcoming that 

I know that sounds a little vague so let me give you an example. I recently started a new business with Nerium International, a biotechnology company that has some incredible antiaging products and is taking off like crazy. I've been doing a lot of reading and listening to some great personal development material, and I realize that one of the main things that holds me back is that I cannot stand to talk on the phone! I know that seems so silly, but it causes me so much anxiety that if I know I have to make a phone call I freeze. I get all tied up in knots, and I procrastinate so long that of course my anxiety continues to build until I am just a mess! I can't even stand to call and order takeout! And if my phone rings there's a really good chance I won't answer it! I seldom call people, even though I know our friendship would be so much stronger if I did. And from a business perspective, picking up the phone to talk to someone I don't know well makes me want to cry! But alas, I realize that this is silly, and it is causing me anxiety over such a pointless issue. And it could be holding me back from significant success in many areas.

 So I have identified this point of weakness in my daily life, and I have challenged myself to start doing something about it. I am trying to talk on the phone about once every day. And I'm not talking about text messaging! :-) It could be as simple as answering the phone when it rings because the pest people are confirming our appointment or calling a customer to follow up. Either way, I'm trying to find little ways to overcome this issue. Now, if the phone rings I actually answer it...most of the time! 😄

So until I get back on here, I challenge you to take some time to sit and think about little things that cause you anxiety or may be holding you back from your full potential. Maybe you've never even identified it as a problem before because it's something you have lived with for so long. But as the kiddos head back to school let's make this season of learning and growing ourselves as well. There's a picture below of Holden's latest accomplishment. Today for the first time he wrote his name all by himself! :-)


God's Grace Wrapped in Childish Oblivion

A word on our children's naivety and how it very well may be one of God's greatest extensions of grace towards us as parents.

Ever noticed how something that appears so obvious to you may go completely unnoticed by your kiddos? Or perhaps you are profoundly impacted by a scene in a movie and when you bring it up to your kids they don't even remember it? Yes, at times this can be infuriating, but I want to encourage you to adopt a new perspective on this childish oblivion.

If you read my Father's Day post (written just before the actually holiday) you may have this notion that perhaps Father's Day in our house more closely resembled a scene from "Leave It to Beaver," rather than the, shall we say, "Home Improvement" script that is so much closer to reality! (Obviously, I don't watch many current sitcoms! :) )

Once again, allow me to pull back the veil and bring you into the nitty-gritty of our all too "normal" family. Yes, Tim is an amazing dad and hubby. Yes, I am soooo thankful for him and find that I admire him more with each passing year. Be that as it may...we are two flawed, emotional, all-too-type-A, sometimes too similar for our own good, humans!

We had attended the Saturday night service at our church, and I went to bed with plans for a relaxing, doting Father's Day for my deserving husband. Somewhere between my head hitting the pillow and my feet hitting the floor the next morning irritation and annoyance must have broken in and set up camp in the corner of my mind. (And their brothers, frustration and irritation paid Tim a visit!)

It all started with Tim's favorite doughnuts...or at least a plan for them! Somehow I found myself, a little miffed, wearing shorts with paint on them, standing in a local doughnut shop with a less-than-thrilled with me, 6' 4.5" hungry man with a scowl and two anxious, scrabbling kids, looking at an all but empty doughnut case. Yep, they were out and for whatever reason (which I'm sure seemed important at the time) Tim and I were none too happy with each other and the kids were whining as we drug them from the doughnut shop, into the grocery, started at a mediocre at best display of so- so doughnuts and buying whatever they had so we could just get the heck out of there and get home to "enjoy" out breakfast! Happy Father's Day!

After having "intense moments of fellowship" most of the morning, Tim and I were desperately trying to make amends. So then we all go fishing. The kids get hot, then hungry, then bored, and interrupt mine and Tim's conversations about 12 times in 2 minutes to tell us so. Apparently all the fish in the Indian River had left for the day. Then Tim gets his line stuck in a tree. Then he brakes his line in said tree, and then, in a huff, proceeds to not-so-gently "place" his rod on the ground. Ok, fine! Let's go home! Happy Father's Day!

We attempted to salvage the rest of the day with a swim, and Tim and the kids managing to construct the tallest Jenga tower in history. All the while, Tim and I are attempting to get a grip on the emotions that have been barking at out minds all day. At one point Tim laments that he feels he ruined the whole day by getting frustrated, and I refuse to let him take the fall alone, knowing that my feelings were far from under control.

That night we sat down for dinner and the kids prayed, "Thank you, God for this wonderful Father's Day!" Then later on the phone with the grandparents they recount the day in glowing detail. "We had doughnuts, and went fishing. Then we swam and played games. It was the best Father's Day ever!"

Tim and I just looked at each other...WOW! That's God's grace! Here we were afraid we'd scarred them for life with our bickering and frustrations, and all they remember is the fun and the wonderful family time. God is so good!

Made me think, granted God is not going to act out and have unfettered emotional fits, but the world we live in is full of strife and anxiety and emotional roller coasters. What if we truly had that faith like a child and instead of letting all the craziness of the day catch our eye, we were so focused on how much our Daddy loves us, and how much we love Him. On all the awesome things He does for us and the numerous ways He shows His love over and over to us each day. What if, at the end of a trying day, all we could remember was the wonderful blessings God gave us that day? A warm bed. A wonderful family. A spouse that loves us. Hmmmm....there is always so much to learn from our kids!


Happy Father’s Day!

I dedicate this piece to the most amazing daddy I know, my incredible husband, Tim. For a man who had only held a baby one time prior to ours being born, he was a natural from the very beginning! 

We have been blessed with one of each - a beautiful, articulate, glitter and sparkles girl and a goofy, sometimes loud, yet incredibly loving little boy. She’s all girl, and he’s all boy! And Daddy knows how to relate to them both. Whether in a suit and tie taking his little princess to the Daddy/Daughter dance, or out on the field helping coach our little Babe Ruth in t-ball, he is a man they respect, learn from, look up to, and love fiercely. 

Tim strikes an excellent balance between fun and firm, gentle and tough.  He sets an example in hard work, incredible self-discipline and unshakable integrity. He demonstrates the importance of not only being a strong leader, but proves that the best leaders are humble followers of Jesus Christ. 

He provides, protects, disciplines and loves with intentionality and focus. He takes his role very seriously, knowing that when God saw fit to bless him with a family, He also gave him an obligation to lead that family in His ways. Tim knows the Source of true wisdom and strength and never misses an opportunity to pass that knowledge onto our babies. 

Happy Father’s day, Babe! We are very blessed to have you, and I am so thankful for you. You’re the best!


Make This Summer Count!

Here I am again, 2 a.m. drinking coffee! :) I know it sounds miserable, but on the days (or nights rather) that the Lord wakes me up, wanting to spend time together, speaking things to my heart and giving me so many exciting ideas of ways to continue my quest for a godly home, raising kids who are passionate followers of Christ, and supporting and encouraging my  husband on his daily journey, I have no desire to stay in bed! I love these quiet, dark times just me and the Lord. It is more energizing than any sleep could ever be. I've said this before but I encourage you, if you are wide awake in the middle of the night, don't spend hours tossing and turning. Just say, "Ok, Lord. What have you got for me?" And wander off to a comfy spot with your Bible, and let the Lord pour into you. It is a neat, special time to sit and be with the God of the universe when all else is asleep around you.

So what is on my heart this time?? Well, it is no new topic for me, but I always find myself thinking more and more about intentional parenting as the summer begins. Our kids just finished up school this week (but don't be haters....we start back August 10th!), and the past few weeks I have spent some time coming up with some ways to best use our time over the next couple months. We only have our kids under our jurisdiction for so long, and it is a very high calling. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that if they are safe and happy all is well, while their souls starve and the window of time when their hearts are softest to the love of their Creator closes more with each swiftly passing year. This is your time to write the Word on their hearts! Help them build a firm foundation they can stand on through out the rest of the days ahead. You won't always be there with them so take time to help them form a strong, personal bond with the One Who will never leave them. Help them store up His Word in their hearts. As I've said before, fill their arsenal with the mighty weapons of the Word of truth and the Sword of the Spirit. Speak to them and over them the things that God says about them. Teach them all the incredible promises that are ours in the Bible! There is so much practical advice for our everyday lives in the pages of scripture which, if grasped at an early age, can have eternal impacts on not only the lives they live but also the lives they will touch.

So don't let the summer rush past you and miss the precious, uninterrupted moments it holds for you to impart incredible, life giving, live changing wisdom and power! On a very practical level here are a few things I'm "planning" to implement this summer. I have 3x5 note cards with different scripture verses on them. We'll pick a different one at the beginning of each week and keep it in a place we will see it often. We'll say it together at breakfast. I'll quiz them when we're driving down the road. We'll probably write it on the bathroom mirror. And now that Mikaela is such a great reader, she'll probably find it hidden around the house from time to time.

Teach them to pray...and I don't mean the same little words each time. Sorry, but that is not praying, that is reciting. Encourage them to say to God whatever is on their hearts. He cares about all of it. Thank Him for stuff. Tell Him stuff. And ask Him for stuff. The words don't matter like the heart does. If you find them repeating the same words each time, simply tell them you want them to come up with at least one different thing to add to their prayer each time.

I'm making a reading list for Mikaela of books I'm going to pay her to read! :) Why not? Make it fun. There are some great Christian living/devotional books for kids. Why not encourage your kiddos to begin now filling their hearts and minds with awesome, life-giving material? Everything from managing money to keeping a positive, God-focused attitude, to knowing how to live out and share their faith. Don't sit around and hope they learn this stuff! Go out there and give them the tools and sweeten the pot with some good old fashion bribery! :) (I'm making a little questionnaire for her to complete each time she finishes one of the books on the list to ensure she read it well and got something out of it. Then each book will be worth a specified amount of money, or ice cream! Whatever works! :) )

And also, to maintain a good work/life balance (or life/life balance as the case may be), I'm going to do my best to make my schedule and to-do lists obey me instead of the other way around. I've made a daily routine I'm going to do my best to hold to. Granted, everyday will not fit neatly into this plan, but I don't want to find myself saying, "Just one more thing..." over and over, only to look up in two months and realize school is back in, and I've missed the chance to make it fun and impactful and maybe even life changing because I was too busy with the things I felt were needed to get around to doing the things that were meaningful.

My "typical day" schedule looks like this...8-10: Mommy time (play, swim, explore a new park, whatever), 10-12: Mommy does some work while kids play (without screens!...I've made a Pintrest board of activity ideas for when they say they don't know what to do!), 12-1: lunch and maybe play a game all together, 1-3: quite time, and so on.....
You get the idea. Come up with a plan (which you have to hold loosely) that can help you put things in their place so all the little things don't crowd out the truly important stuff!

Sorry this was so long!! :) Hopefully it gives you some good motivation to jump into this summer with a plan for fun and fruitful times! 


Stay in Jerusalem!

Hi all! I hope all the mamas out there had a wonderful Mother's Day! I was sitting in church yesterday and the pastor read Acts 1:4. At this point in the sermon, I am sorry to say, I mentally derailed. Not really quite sure why he read the verse, but as I stared at it on the big screen I had one of those moments when something just jumped out at me. 

This verse comes from the days after Jesus had risen from the dead but before he ascended to heaven. It says, "While being together and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, “Of which,” He said, “you have heard Me speak."

Stop and read that again. What? Stay in Jerusalem? Do you have any idea what Jerusalem was like for the disciples at that time? These men, big, strong, blue-collar guys, were hiding for their lives. Just a few days before they thought they had lost everything when the One for Whom they had laid everything down was crusified on a cross for all to see. Their faith was shaken to the core. Then three days later when He rose from the grave, as He had already told them He would, their faith was restored, but their lives were in more danger than ever. They were being hunted by all of the officials and all of the guards. The most feared officers in the known world wanted their heads. People were threatened by Christ just as they are today. When His body was gone the officials were willing to go to any extremes necessary to prove that the disciples were behind the disappearance. As the disciples most likely were making plans to get out of Dodge, Christ said, "Stay in Jerusalem. Stay in the midst of your trouble. Stay in the middle of the hardest time of your life. Stay though fear so grips you that death would be a welcome escape. Stay in Jerusalem," he said, "and wait for what God has promised, which you have already heard from me."

 Wow! What a powerful message for our lives. We've all had those times where maybe it would be easier to just run away. We're scared or frightened. We just want to get out of the situation. We frantically look around searching for a way of escape, but listen. Is Christ whispering to your heart, "Stay and wait to see what God has promised. The promises what you have already read in my Word. The promises I already told you about. Stay and wait and see."?

This reminds me of another of my very favorite verses found in Exodus 14:13-14, "Moses told the people, Fear not; stand still (firm, confident, undismayed) and see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians you have seen today you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest."

There are times when common sense tells you God has provided a way out of your tough situation, and you need to take it. But there are other times when God wants to show you just how awesome He is, and He says, "Stand still and watch. I will fight for you!"

Only personal, devoted, quiet time with the Lord will answer the question for you of which type of situation you're in. But rest assured, God will do what He has promised. The things you have already heard from His Word!


Be intentional! (Post #4)

This is such an incredible time. Don't miss out on the opportunities you have right now to lay the foundation for your kids' lives. Lead them with intentionality. Don't sit back while they wonder around in the trampled, baron, common ground. Search out the fields less frequented. Lead them to lush pastures. Feed them fresh, rich nutrients from His Word daily. 

Don't sit idly by while they drink out of muddy puddles. Lead them straight to the source of crisp, cool, clean, fresh Living Water.

 Some of my favorite verses on parenting are found in Deuteronomy 6.
"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart and with your entire being and with all your might.And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be [first] in your [own] minds and hearts; [then]You shall whet and sharpen them so as to make them penetrate, and teach andimpress them diligently upon the [minds and] hearts of your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they shall be as frontlets (forehead bands) between your eyes.And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates."

There are tons of practical ways to apply these scriptures. Some tactics I have used are: 
- Keep a stack of 3 x 5 note cards on hand. Anytime you read a verse you want your kids to learn write it down, and then place that note card on the table during breakfast or tape it up beside the door where you will see it every time you leave.
- Each Monday morning at breakfast pull out a new card to be your verse of the week.
 - Use a dry race marker to write the verse of the week on the bathroom mirror. 
- Write the verse on a piece of paper and stick it in their lunch box so they will find it during school.

There are so many easy and fun ways to keep the Word before them. The point is, be intentional! You will never get these years back. And your little lambs will never be this moldable again. Your home and your life are the absolute greatest influencers on the people they will grow up to be. You're calling is a high one indeed!


A Decade of Love!

10 years ago today I walked down the aisle and committed the rest of my life to a man I had only known seven months! A decade later I am convinced now more than ever that (with the exception of having made the decision to accept Christ as my Savior) it was the best decision of my life!  

Now, if you've read my blog at all you know I am not about painting pretty pictures and leaving out the gory details! :-) It has not always been butterflies and roses in this relationship. In fact we didn't actually hit the honeymoon phase until about year seven! The very morning of our wedding began with a monsoon! And our very first moments alone as husband and wife was me pushing him away as he tried to kiss me saying "I think I'm going to throw up!" :-) That's what I get for jumping into the back of a limo and going down the winding back roads of Maryland completely ignoring the fact that I get carsick! 

The Honeymoon itself was nice, but it was in the airport of St. Lucia waiting for our flight home that we had our very first little tiff. The fact is he was insensitive and I was insecure. We really were quite a pair. :-) 

Our first three years were an uphill battle, mostly because I had so much emotional issues that I had kept hidden from the world for so long and now that he was ALWAYS THERE I couldn't hide it any longer, so he had to come to the unfortunate realization that the strong, confident, positive, independent woman he had married was a horrendous mess on the inside, emotionally insecure, incredibly defensive and in a continual battle with self-disgust. 

Without a doubt the absolute best decision we made, which truly saved our marriage happened before we were ever married. Thanks to having been raised in Christian homes, with Christian (still each other) parents we too entered into marriage as the sacred covenant that it is and made a commitment that divorce did not exist. We promised each other we would never say the word. Not even in gist. Because of that decision our marriage, though rocky, was a safe place where we knew, no matter how hard it was, we could work through whatever came our way. Neither of us were afraid to deal with the issues we had to tackle head-on because there was no fear of being left. We knew we were stuck with each other! :-)

So we worked it out, talked it out, and prayed it out, and it is because of those tough first years that our marriage is strong and awesome today! There's still plenty of work to be done because there's always work to be done when it comes to relationships, but it is worth every single bit of effort.

Tim is an incredible husband and an amazing daddy. He is my provider, my protector, my lover, and my best friend. We have come so far, and I know without a doubt, through whatever highs and lows may come our way, with the love we have and standing in the strength given to us by the Lord, our marriage will stand firm. As the scripture we used in our wedding says..."a threefold cord is not easily broken." (Me, Tim, and God holing us together!)

When we give our broken pieces to the Lord He can turn them in to an incredible love story! I am so thankful for how much I have learned and how much we have both grown over these last 10 years. To God be the glory!


God will come get you! (Post #3)

What if I’m buried under a pile of dirty laundry or under the table cleaning up the latest aftermath of the circus my kids call eating? What if I’m too busy staring at the spots on the mirror or that blasted ring that insists on appearing in the toilet!!!  What if in the midst of an extreme bout with “Mommy brain” I am too distracted to notice my big chance and the opportunity passes me by????

Chill out, sister! I have good news! God will come get you!! Right there, under the kitchen table, in the middle of the PTO meeting, in the grocery when you are busy strategically arranging the items in your cart in hopes that any onlookers may notice with the food they should eat carefully placed in plain sight so as to cover up the stuff they actually like! (Yep! Benn there!! J )

Where was David when Samuel came to anoint the new king? Was he pushing his way to the front of the line so as to outshine his older brothers? No! His own father didn’t even consider the possibility that his youngest boy would even be in the running. But God knew! When Samuel asked Jesse if there were any others the response was, “Well, there’s the youngest, David. But he’s out tending the sheep.” And through Samuel God said, “Go get him!”

Moses was out wandering the dessert in a foreign land, far away from his own people (God’s people), just minding his own business, tending his sheep, when suddenly there was a burning bush! And not just any brush fire. A bush burning yet not consumed. Moses had to take a closer look.

God is not always subtle when He wants to get a point across.  Trust me. When the time comes for you to enter a new season or take on a new task, or jump on a new opportunity God will come get you right where you are. Right there in middle of tending your sheep.

Stay focused on the task at hand. Give it your all. Do everything you do, whether changing diapers or running errands, whether cooking dinner or wiping runny noses, do it all for the glory of the Lord! And your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you in the open! When you feel like all you do goes unnoticed or bares little significance, know the God of the universe is watching intently and routing you on as you tend your sheep. He has great plans for every one of us, and as He told me many years ago, He will not let you miss or mess up any of the plans He has for you as long as you are truly seeking Him.

So go on, give yourself permission to give yourself fully to the task at hand. Don’t live with one eye on your kids and one eye on “the next big thing.” God has your days planned, and when He has something new for you, He’ll come get you. For now, tend your sheep!

“A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9


King David, Sheep Tender (Post #2)

So, let's talk some more about tending those little sheep! I want to check out the life of David this week. I love the life of David! So many ups and downs. So many twists and turns. I've always said David is the closest example in the Bible we have of a hormonal woman! :-) One day he's on top of the world. The next day the world is on top of him! And goodness knows he was never afraid to share with the Lord exactly how he felt!

There are so many lessons from David's life. Chances are, no matter what you are going through or heading to there is something from his life that you can apply to your situation. One of the main things that has spoken to me out of the life of David in regards to our current topic is the fact that after he was anointed to be king he went right back to tending the sheep! Just imagine! He had already been anointed by Samuel as the next king of Israel. The king over God's people. He knew without a doubt that God had incrediblely huge plans for his life. And yet in the midst of all that he went right back to tending the sheep. 

If David was anything like me I can just imagine him thinking, "OK got it, Lord! Now I know what you want me to do. I have this awesome calling on my life. Now what? Now what?" But what was God's direction for this anointed king of Israel? "Go tend your sheep." Personally, I would've been crushed! "Are you kidding me? I'm king of your people! You have these massive plans for me! Surely you have something more important for me to be doing!" But his charge? Tend the sheep! 

Despite the fact that there is an obvious lesson in patience here, let's look at what else was going on during that time. I call this "actively waiting." I don't think this was a mindless time for David. Nor was it wasted time. God used the time in those fields with those little sheep to prepare David for the huge things He had in store for him. Though the anointing and the call on David's life were already in place God had a lot of things to teach him before He could bring him into the fullness of that calling. While tending the sheep, David had a lot of time alone with the Lord. There were plenty of things to distract him like wolves and bears and lions and sheep wondering often and getting lost and having to be searched for and then brought back, but you know that during this season David wrote some of the most powerful, incredible, and inspiring scripture which I pour over almost every morning. David grew in the Lord in mighty ways. It was in those fields where he fought the bear and the lion which he spoke of when facing Goliath. When he stood before that huge giant he had no fear because while he was tending the sheep the Lord showed him His power and gave him strength, ability, and confidence. 

So while you may feel this burning passion inside of you for something more, and you just know there is something better out there, do not forsake this time of tending sheep. Pay attention! God has so much to teach you in the field.


Tend Your Sheep! (Post #1)

I knew I was incredibly blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom, but nearly five years and two kids into it I still found the biggest question in the forefront of my mind each pre-dawn session with the Lord to be, “God, what am I supposed to be doing? How should I be spending my time?”

You see, there has always been a burning in my heart to do something big. I’ve felt this way as long as I can remember. I can very clearly recall being very young, laying in my bed at night, looking out my window at the star filled Kentucky sky and knowing without a doubt that God had big plans for my life. Fast forward nearly 30 years and most days “something big” means a full night with no pee pee in the Pull Up®!

“Seriously, God? I know you have big things for me. What should I be doing?” And then one morning, sitting on my couch on Northern Virginia in May 2014 I heard in my spirit, “Tend your sheep.” And suddenly a flood of Biblical examples came to me. The day David was anointed to be king he was tending his sheep. (1 Sam. 16) The day Moses received his charge to lead the Israelites out of Egypt he was tending sheep. (Exodus 3) How did Jacob earn his wives which led to him becoming the father of the twelve tribes of Israel? By tending sheep! (Hosea 12:12) What job did Christ think so important that he told Peter (three times!) he should do if he really loved him? Tend His sheep! (John 21) And remember those guys out in the field keeping watch over their flocks by night? For goodness sakes, even Jesus is called the great shepherd! (Ps.23; John 10; Hebrews 13; 1 Peter 5:4)   

Even if you don’t feel like you have a calling for “something big” (though in His kingdom, anything and everything done for Him is something big!) you have most likely found yourself covered in spit up, sweeping the same spot under the table for the tenth time in one day, buried under a pile of laundry, entirely exhausted and yet still unable to answer the question, “What did you do all day?” Take heart, sister! We’ve all been there! In the next few weeks we’ll look more deeply at our calling to tend our sheep (our kids!) and the freedom and power in giving ourselves fully to that task!  So much more to come!!! 😊

“I myself will tend my sheep and give them a place to lie down in peace, says the Sovereign Lord.” Ezekiel 34:15 (NLT) 

Here's a little extra encouragement as you begin this new week!


New series starting soon!

  Come all ye exhausted, frustrated, tired, cranky, moody, confused, upset, weepy and discouraged mommies. Let us reason together!

I once heard our incredible pastor's wife say that the most powerful words in women's ministry are, "me too." And she is so right! If you've ever had the privilege of bringing your wearied soul to a group of ladies, who share your love for the Lord and your calling to motherhood, and have heard them say the words, "me too," in response to your cries of exhaustion, fears of failure, frustration and self condemnation, your ups and your downs, your lowest points and your highest highs then you know how powerful these words can be.

I am about to start a new series for all of those mommies who have ever found themselves in the midst of three piles of laundry, desperately in need of a shower, knowing you need to go vacuum that same spot under the kitchen table for the third time today, and praying you can keep your eyes open until bedtime, and in the midst of all that stopped and asked yourself, "Is this really it? Is this really making a difference?" You once dreamed of impacting the world and now you feel like you can't even make a dent in the dirty dishes. If you are saying, "Yes! I've been there!" Then let me say to you, "Me too!"

In many ways it is these feelings that prompted this blog in the first place. I want to encourage others and myself that being mommy is not just something to get through, it is a powerful, divine calling! In the coming series, most likely to be titled "Tend Your Sheep," I will be sharing some of the things the Lord has laid on my heart about this precious, albiet, exhausting season of life. My hope is to inspire you to take hold of this calling and to carry it out with boldness, and also to not lose site of the other visions of success and accomplishment that the Lord has placed on your heart. 

Please share my blog with anyone you know who may find this helpful. Looking forward to exploring this more. In the meantime... Do not grow weary in doing good for in due season you shall reap a harvest if you do not faint! The joy of the Lord is your strength, so don't just get through. Do everything your hands find to do as for the Lord, and live each day determined to enjoy and have your life in abundance, to the full until it overflows! (Galatians 6:9, Nehemiah 8:10, Ecclesiastes 9:10, Colossians 3:23, John 10:10 AMP)


Kids Are Like Concrete!

If you know anything about the process of pouring concrete, you know that the wet mixture is not simply poured in the desired spot with no guidelines. You don't pour it out and hope it stays in the right place. You build a temporary frame (a mold, boundaries) in which the wet mixture is allowed to form and harden.

Once poured into the frame, much care is taken to gently smooth out all the rough spots using proper tools and gentle yet firm, consistent pressure. All of this is done within the safety of the temporary framework (or boundaries). While the concrete is drying you must be vigilant to safeguard it. Keep an eye on it to ensure it is not messed with while drying. Because it is so impressionable at this stage, some people have a hard time not messing with it. And there are also things that simply occur in everyday life, such as debris blowing across it and sticking to the wet surface. You must be always at the ready to do damage control. Go back and smooth out these areas again and again so they don't dry that way. As the keeper of the concrete you must constantly be alert and keep watch while it is in this vulnerable state.

Finally, don't remove the frame (boundaries) too soon. If the concrete is not ready, any pressure applied will cause it to run all over the place, or at the very least, it will leave a mark. Wait until it has set up properly. Then once it is strong enough the frame can be removed, and it is then able to withstand extreme amounts of force and still keep its shape.

Please note: It is much easier to shape and smooth and form the concrete when it is new and wet. Early in the process the mixture can be molded and shaped with simple tools and gentle pressure but, wait too long, and you will need a jackhammer! This would be much harder on the concrete and the operator!

It can be hard to resist leaving your own mark on wet concrete! When it comes to the moldable lives of our young children, how about taking your tools and writing the name of Jesus on the surface? Then wait patiently and confidently for it to permanently dry in place before removing the necessary boundaries.
A favorite Mommy and Mikaela pic from 2013

For more on boundaries and kids I highly recommend the book "Boundaries with Kids" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend.


It's all about love!

Ever promised your worried child that everything will be ok and then desperately prayed, "Lord, please let it!" It's like saying, "God, I know you are in control and have a plan, but could you please make everything work out the way I want because I just promised my kids that you would?"

Yes, God promised to always be with us, but He also promised trouble would come! We can't just roll the dice on hoping no trouble will come until our kids are at least teenagers and we can leave dealing with faith issues to them (and the youth pastor!).

How do we reconcile protecting our kids' emotions/feelings and prepping their faith? In 2014, when Tim was traveling 6 days a week, Mikaela was getting worried about his safety. I wanted to say, "Don't worry, Sweetie. God will keep Daddy safe." But what if??? Then God spoke to my heart. "Focus on my love. Teach her that no matter what, I love!"

I have learned that my own doubts be traced back to a lack of understanding of His love for me. We must teach our kids about God's great love for them. If we teach them that all will be ok, that God will always protect them and keep them safe and will not let anything bad happen to them, we set them up for a major crisis of faith when the promised trouble comes. Instead, let's camp on God's great love for us. Giving them a foundational truth to fall on regardless of what happens in life. Teach them to give any fears to God, but also to know John 16:33. "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." Teach them first and foremost of His great love, so that, come what may, the power of that truth will be their strength when nothing else makes sense.

Though everything around them may crumble, still they will be able to stand in the power and love of their great God. (Psalm 46:2; Isaiah 54:10) If they know nothing else, knowing God loves them will give them the ability to face whatever comes with a firm foundation and a place to turn. God never said there will be no troubles, but He did say He will never leave them. They may find themselves in the fiery furnace, but introduce them to the God who will be right there by their side!

Give your kids a faith that says, "Whether or not He delivers me, I know His love never leaves me." While they need to know God is able and there is nothing too hard for Him, don't build their faith on what He can do for them but rather on what He has already done - so greatly displayed His love, lavished His great love upon us. (Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:1) 

An understanding of His love means we can face each day with confidence. Knowing that, no matter what, His love never fails or changes. Our God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow And, "God is love!" (1John 4:8)