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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


In the midst of the storm

"Long ago I learned that people are not known by how they act when they're in control, but by how they react when things are beyond their control." - John Maxwell

Well, if you have ever wondered where exactly in Florida we moved to just look at the map of where the eye of hurricane Matthew is projected to hit Florida's East Coast and you will see our home. We are 20 miles south of Cape Canaveral. We are beachside of Melbourne (on the barrier island). 

We are all safe and together in Southwest Florida with Tim's parents. We left our home yesterday under a mandatory evacuation. The house is as prepared as it can possibly be. Now we settle in to watch and wait. Here are the two video blogs I have done, and I will continue to keep everyone updated with more of them. All prayers are greatly appreciated.