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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Going deep with our kids: If we're good can we get ice cream?

When they came to me with that look in their eyes I knew something was up! When the question was out my mommy brakes slammed on. The Bible says for children to obey their parents for this is right.... not obey your parents for ice cream! Hmmm... 

Going deep with our kids: If we're good can we get ice cream?

Time for a life lesson. I wanted to be sure these two cuties knew they were to obey from a place of love and respect for God and for me. I wanted to make sure their motives were to please the Lord and not to leverage their good behavior for special treats. I am so not going to bribe my kids to obey and behave! Oh, we were totally going for ice cream! But because mommy wanted to! 😜 

See my YouTube channel here:


Going deep with our kids: Why doesn't God just get rid of sin?

Another deep question from my seven-year-old! Here is how God led me to answer her. Hope it helps!


Going deep with our kids: The Trinity

New "series" if you will. Going to be doing short video blogs from time to time about "Going Deep With Our Kids." I'll just share ways the Lord has given me to answer the crazy, deep questions the kids come up with in  ways they can grasp and are usually satisfied with....usually!

In this first instalment I tackle the Trinity in less than 3 minutes! :)   

If you enjoy it, please "like," "Share," and "subscribe." I have a heart to reach women around the world with practical ways to live a powerful life. You can help me do this!! 

Love to all and Happy New Year!