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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Thank the Lord for rotten cantaloupe!

Wow! Major parenting faux pas!

So late yesterday morning the kids and I came back from a walk around the neighborhood. I had been pulling the kids in the wagon. When we got back to the garage both kids went into the laundry room to take off their shoes and then head to their rooms to play until lunch was ready.

I put away the wagon, closed the garage door and came in. I noticed the dog was out of water, so I went out on the lanai and casually took in the warm tropical surroundings as I filled the bowl. Then I turned on my radio to have some wonderful music filling our home. I then proceeded to put away some nonperishable items I had dumped on counter from my earlier grocery run. Humm...those apples look yummy. So I begin munching on an apple. I go to put away the rest of the fruit and I notice the cantaloupe I had purchased just a few days before was rotten. I grumbled under my breath what a bummer this was.

I take the cantaloupe into the garage to throw it into the big trash can so it won't stink up the house. When I open the garage door I hear a faint call of, "Mommy...Mommy." It sounded like Holden, so I start to go back in and head to his bedroom. Then I hear what sounds like tiny fists on aluminum. This point I realize, "Oh my goodness! This sound is coming from the garage!" But as I start to look around I's coming from outside! I push the garage door button. As the door begins to rise the first thing I see are chubby little feet. I had shut him outside of the house! I had no idea. Thank goodness that rotten cantaloupe made me go out into the garage because otherwise I'm not sure I would have noticed for quite a long time!

So I grab him, and I'm holding him and apologizing. The first thing he says is, "Mommy, you left me outside!" I said, "Yes, I know sweetie. I'm so sorry. Were you scared?" He just looks at me and says, "No, I just wanted to come in there." :-) So first thing I do is to inform him that if I ever lock him out of the house again to please ring the doorbell! After that I spent some time thinking the Lord for rotten cantaloupe!

So, why am I sharing this?? I have no idea!!! Perhaps because everything is funnier in retrospect. Or maybe to make you feel better about your own parenting! :) We all have these moments. Accept these humbling experiences as reminders that we can do nothing on our own! The fact is, no matter how great we think we are, we can't even keep track of our preschoolers without the Lord's help!! :)


So the Lord and I walk into Hobby Lobby...

Seriously! No joke. I had a very rare experience this week. I was alone!!!!! :) The kids spent a couple days with Tim's parents who live about 3 and a half hours from us, and Tim was working, so I was on my own and for those of you stay at home moms with no family near by you know what I mean. It is a very strange feeling. I love my babies so much, and despite being tired and scattered most of the time, I feel totally lost when they are not with me. Part of me is missing. Though I often think how much I could get done if I only had day to myself, when they are not there it is like I walk around in a fog totally lost and not sure what to do.

But alas, Hobby Lobby was calling my name! I am still always on the lookout for those little details to finish making the new house a home. The ironic thing is I had just been there a week earlier with both kids in the cart, leaving no room for purchases, and trying to cover the entire store before the snacks ran out, and I really didn't see much I liked. Yet, the next week I walk in by myself and two hours later leave with a car load! :) Maybe keeping them around is good for the budget too!

Anyway, the point is The Lord and I had a really great time together in Hobby Lobby! As I was walking the aisles and seeing all the wall décor I was reading them, many of which are scripture verses. By the time I was half way through the store I was so stirred up in my spirit I would catch myself reading a plaque or a canvass and saying things like "Yes!" "Amen!" "Thank you, Lord!" It was a while before I realized what I was doing. Then the Lord and I had a good laugh. It was so refreshing to my spirit. (Albeit, a little lighting to my wallet as well!)

My friends, God is all around us, and He wants to meet us where we are. He is always speaking and ministering to His children. He loves us and wants, craves, to spend time with us. Open your eyes and see the signs of Him all around you. Ok, it may not be as clear as an encouraging scripture printed in fancy font on a 16x20 canvass, but it is there nonetheless. In the midst of your crazy day He wants to speak peace and power to your soul. Nothing can replace your focused "God-time." Getting up before everyone else to spend time with the Lord is perhaps the best thing you can do for yourself, your sanity, and your family! But rest assured, our God is not elusive! He is eagerly and actively pursuing you and your attention, and if the eyes of your heart are open, you will see Him!