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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Breathe, Mama!

We've all been there. You begin to feel overwhelmed and hurried and on edge, and then you get upset. And then you get upset with yourself for getting upset! This time of the year it is especially easy to get caught up in the rush and the to-do lists and you forget to do the things that matter your family, savor the moments, and take time to remember the Reason for it all. I have found that when I find myself drowning in these emotions, if I will stop and just whisper the name of Jesus the power therein can instantly begin to set my mind to right again.

One of my favorite verses to cling to in the midst of swirling emotions is Psalm 94:19 (AMP). "In the multitude of my [anxious
] thoughts within me, Your comforts cheer and delight my soul!"

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that you remember to take time out to just sit in His presence. On Christmas morning, I challenge you, get up before the kids (I know!), and take a few minutes to sit quietly in the glow of the Christmas tree and give thanks to the Lord. This marks the day in history that He voluntarily laid aside His glory, humbled Himself to the infinite degree, and stepped into our world, knowing full well the pain that lay before Him. And He did it all for you!

Lastly I want to share this page from my devotional (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young). Hope it ministers to you as it did to me. Love you and Merry Christmas!!!


Grateful Hearts

Hi all! It's another 3 a.m. writing session! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Our weekend was topped off by Mikaela getting baptized!!! :) She officially accepted Jesus into her heart in October, and this past Sunday she took this powerful step to show the world her decision to follow Him.

As we race into yet another holiday season I wanted to pass a long some practical tips for shaping your children’s hearts and maintaining your sanity!! J

Ever find yourself in a moment of intense frustration trying (in perhaps a less than pleasant tone) to convince your kids to be thankful and have a good attitude, then you feel that gentle tap on your shoulder as your Heavenly Father softly clears His throat? Once again you are faced with the fact that you would benefit from your own advice! Fear not! You are not alone! We’ve all been there.

Here are a few things I have used to turn my kids’ hearts towards the Lord (and keep myself under control) at times when the oh-so-human side of their personalities emerges.

First and foremost, please teach your kids that it is not wrong to feel frustrated, angry, or upset. We can’t help the feelings that come to us, but we can choose what we do with them. Teaching them this early will save them years of self-condemnation and set them free to recognize Satan’s lies in this particular area at their onset. Assure them that you understand their feelings. You have the same ones on a regular basis! But emphasize that they are not slaves to their emotions. They have a choice!   

Perhaps the biggest weapon in my arsenal is my own little paraphrase of Psalm 118:24 which the Lord put on my heart when Mikaela was about 3 and just beginning this life-long battle with her feelings. It goes like this, “God made this day. I will be happy, excited, and thankful!”

This has been so powerful for us! Both of my kids can quote this at the drop of a hat. And we don’t just say it. We chant it! Over and over, getting louder and louder and more and more excited with each repetition. By about the third or fourth time everyone is smiling and laughing whether they want to or not. Remember, there is power in the Word to get into our bones and transform us! The Word of God is alive and active, and once we open the door the Spirit of God begins His awesome transforming work in our hearts. This not only helps redirect their attitudes but gets them in the habit of turning to Him when times get tough.

Another great one is to quote this simple phrase from Psalm 100:4 (in the Amplified Bible), “Be thankful, and say so.” And for Mikaela (6) I have added an extra step. I send her to her room and tell her to take time to talk to God, and tell Him 10 things she is thankful for. Try this yourself when you find you are feeling less than content. It is almost impossible to continue with a bad attitude once you begin making your list. And chances are you won’t stop at 10!

And perhaps one of the first heart redirecting tactics I used with my kiddos was the phrase, “Instead of getting sad, we get thankful.” This is awesome for dealing with the inevitable disappointments of the end of playdates, leaving a playground, or even hearing the words, “Bed time!” Say we are at a friend’s house, and it’s time to go. I see the dark shadow begin to fall, and I gently walk over to my child, kneel down, and softly whisper, “Instead of getting sad, what do we get?” And they will say (albeit sometimes through a whimper), “Thankful.” And I’ll tell them that instead of getting sad we have to leave we can be thankful we got to come. This gently prod rarely fails to put their hearts back on the right path.

Remember, we are to shepherd our children’s hearts. That is to gently nudge them in the right direction. Try never to tell them what to do without giving them the tools to do it. That’s why we’re here! And it’s the same way the Father leads and directs us. He is after all, our ultimate Guide on this wonderfully crazy journey called parenthood!

Hope you find these tips helpful. Not only do they make a difference in the moment, but they set your kids up for future success as they develop wonderful copping tools for when life isn’t going exactly as they want.


Are you $0.97 away from a breakthrough?

Well, what do you think? Could $0.97 be separating you from the relationship you truly desire with your daughter? I'm hoping it is for me! I wanted to let you in on my newest attempt to stay on the offense against this crazy hormonal surge that is already taking over my 6 year old daughter!

I think a big part of our jobs as parents is being inventive problem solvers. I'm constantly praying for new methods and ideas to improve my creative parenting. Sometimes I try something, and it's phenomenal! The heavens part, rays of sunshine beam down, the heavenly angels sing a course of, "Awwww," and I know it was from the Lord! At other times my kids look at me like I've lost my mind, and I know I've gone too far. :-)

So Mikaela and I are still falling hard and fast into this new stage of our relationship that I had hoped would be a few years away. Nonetheless, here it is. My cheerful,  upbeat, confident, little girl is dealing with bouts of extreme shyness which frequently cause her to basically be rude and shut down when encountering anyone outside of our home. And a few times I have found myself on the receiving end of her dagger pitching glares.  It's so counter to her behavior for the first 5 years, and she herself is having trouble understanding what's going on. On the one hand, it breaks my heart to see this struggle. On the other hand, it makes me see red, and it's all I can do to maintain my composure. But I have a choice. I can sit around and fume, constantly asking, "Why?" "What's wrong?" Or I can start implementing some attempts at helping her (and me) cope with where we are right now. I am choosing the the grace of God!

So here is where the $0.97 comes in. This morning I took a $0.97 composition book and on the first page this is what I wrote:

     This is your very first journal! You can use this to write your feelings and your thoughts. You can use it when there is something you want to remember. Write in it when you are happy or sad, excited or scared, worried or thankful (especially when you are thankful!).
     You can even use this journal to write letters to me or prayers to God. Sometimes I will write letters to you in it, and sometimes I will write Bible verses or positive sayings I want you to practice and memorize. Together we will fill these pages with words you can treasure forever!
                                                                                    I love you always!
                                                                                             ~ Mommy

I also wrote the following lines (one per page), and asked her to please write each one three times:
"To have friends I have to be friendly."
"No matter how I feel I can choose a good attitude."
"'Be kind and loving to each other,' Ephesians 4:32"
"'In everything, treat people the same way you want them to treat you,' Matthew 7:12."

She loved the idea and was eager to begin our new journaling project together. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!


Crying in the Dollar Tree!

Well, we are off to a great start! Both kiddos have been in school for over a week and none of us had had any tears...until today! I have been nothing but excited for both of them because they have both been so ready. While Holden is only going 3 half days a week, it is just what he needs to start gaining his independence. And while Mikaela insists on growing up at warp speed, she is flourishing and loving school. Everyone has done so well, including mommy, until today!

Now, in my defense, I have a nasty cold, and I only slept about 2 hours last night; however, I just found myself crying in the Dollar Tree! My baby girl will turn 6 years old on Wednesday! I ran in the store for a few things and saw the card section. Then I got the idea to put a card in her lunch box. As I began looking through the cards, I was thinking of what I would write in it. I was picturing my little girl, so grown up, opening her lunch box at school and reading her birthday card, where I will undoubtedly gush with how much we love her and how proud we are of her. At that minute, without warning, I begin to cry in the Dollar Tree.

I have been so blessed to be a stay at home mom these past 6 years, but my personality does not do well without true structure. And let's face it, despite our greatest efforts, life with babies and toddlers rarely lends itself to any type of predictable schedule. So I have been relishing in the semblance of structure coming back into my life and our home. We have to get up at a certain time. We have to get out the door at a certain time. I have places to be and times to be there. I'm finding myself a little more energized and productive. But if I sit still for too long I begin to realize my babies aren't needing me like they used to. But I was warned about this season by a very dear friend once. A precious woman about the age of my own mother. She told me one day years ago, when my kids were still in diapers, "You think they need you now, and they do need you for survival, but once they hit the school years they are going to need you like never before. Don't think for a second that once they're in school you can run off and "get back to your life." In truth, a crucial part of your job will just be beginning. When they come home from school in the afternoons, tired and bored, it is in those hours when they will need you, your wisdom, your guidance, and your supervision like never before." Such wise words that I have taken to heart.

While I am embracing this new season I do not see it as if part of my job is finished, rather my position is evolving from "Mommy, do this. Mommy, do that." into, "Mom, are you here and are you listening?" Thankfully we get to ease into this transition, but nonetheless I am now going back to the Lord, as I have so many times before, asking, "Now what? Show me, God how to be the mom that they need right now, right where they are in their lives. How do I listen, and how do I speak? How do I teach, and how do I lead? How do I help? How do I hold? And when and how do I let go?"

I hope that you will often reevaluate your situation as "mom." It is never really done. Rather, you are always adapting. And our God, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, is ready, willing and able to give you exactly what you need, making you fully equipped to be the mom you have to be today, tomorrow, and for the rest of the years to come.


A Victory!!!!! Something is Working!!!

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I just keep struggling with things and getting mad about stuff."

As much as this sounds like something I have said many times over, this time it came from Mikaela! Once I get past the first thoughts to enter my mind, which go something like this, "What the HECK? You're turning 6, not 16!" I reach into the compartment of my mind where the Lord and I have spent many hours stocking my mommy arsenal in the name of "Helping My Daughter Deal with Being Female." I pull out an old favorite labeled, "You can't control you feelings, but you can control what you do with them." I leave my vacuum in the middle of the floor and begin to walk over to assure this tiny "woman" that I totally understand. Before a word gets past my lips she runs right past me towards her room and turns and says, "Wait just a minute....I'm going to go have some God time."

YES!! She's listening! She's learning. And She's applying, perhaps in many instances more readily than I am!! It is not about teaching our kids how not to struggle, it's about teaching them how to cope when they do!

Keep their spirits soft to the notion of our heavenly Father and His desire for intimate involvement in our lives. While I have not officially had a teenager yet (just a nearly 6 year old who acts like one) I was a teenager...with plenty of emotional, hormonal issues! And I believe I can say with some level of certainty (and from experience...Thanks, Mom!) that keeping the things of God continually, daily, and yes, even casually on your lips and in the center of your home will make those "Come to Jesus" moments in the teen years much less awkward, as they will already be in the habit of coming to Jesus and seeing you go to Him as well. He wants to be a friend not an occasional flotation device when the seas of life grow too rough for us. 

Save yourself a lot of stress! Don't waste your energy trying to figure out how to keep your children from ever experiencing pain. Instead, use every day and seize each opportunity to teach them to fight the good fight and walk in the victory of the Lord! Our great military academies do not teach their students how to avoid war...they teach them how to win the battles.

We live in a messed up world ruled by the prince of darkness. (John 12:31) Like it or not, your kids are going to have to fight! Give them the weapons to do it!

"Put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.
For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.
Therefore put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place]." Ephesians 6:11-13 (AMP)
"For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds," 2 Cor. 10:4 (AMP) 


How did this happen?!

My beautiful, positive, precious, loving baby girl, just weeks shy of her 6th birthday, has become a pre-teen! She can roll those eyes, huff, and stare daggers as well as any 12 year old out there!!!! I have already found myself telling Tim, "She's going to hate me!" I thought I would have another 5 years any way!! Granted, she is not always like this. Most of the time she is my sweet, fun little buddy. But when this entirely-too-widely-accepted-in-the-world attitude shows up I am working on my game plan to show it who is boss!!! :)

It is of the utmost importance that correction/discipline not just address the behavior but the heart attitude as well. Let's call this "the layered approach" to discipline. Mikaela is advanced beyond her years, and Tim and I have shared with her that when she receives a correction we do not merely want to hand out a consequence for her action, but we also want to make sure she learns something. For example:

Each day the kids have "quite time." This typically means I put in a movie for them in their play room, and they are to stay in there and watch and rest until it is over. Mommy gets some much needed mid-day down time, Holden may get a nap, and Mikaela gets a chance to rest. This is a time in the day that my little movie buffs really look forward to. Well, a few days ago Mikaela chose to have a negative attitude and, although somewhat jokingly, spoke to me in a less than respectful way. (We've really been working on the virtue of thankfulness.)

We are big on letting our kids know that their attitude and actions are their choice, and a line I often use is, "You can't make bad decisions and expect good things to happen." So for this instance I told Mikaela that she would spend quiet time that day in her room with no movie. She was pretty upset about this, but let's face it. Being alone in a room full of toys, books and art supplies is hardly a punishment! :) But here is where the layering comes in. I gave her an assignment. Before she came out of her room at the end of quiet time she was to write, 5 times each, "I do not have to like everything, but I do have to keep a good attitude." and a portion of Psalm 100:4 (AMP), which says, "Be thankful and say so!"

My prayer is that this approach will not simply teach her that if she's rude she'll get in trouble, but that it will also give her tools she can use for the rest of her life to combat the negative attitudes that so frequently vie for all of our minds.

All in all, Mikaela is incredible! I still love being with my little buddy, and I cannot believe that first grade begins in 15 days!!!!! She is growing so much in every way, and I am so proud of her. (And I tell her that often!) Here is a picture from our adventure last week when she mastered her first ever ropes course! :) She was incredible!!!!



21 days till our lives change forever!

Just three weeks from today we will make a sudden, dramatic exit from this precious, crazy, amazing, albeit exhausting, season of our lives. Both of my babies will be in school! Mikaela will be starting 1st grade on August 12th, and on the 17th Holden will begin Pre-K 3 (M,T,W 9-12:30).

Mikaela went four half days for PreK 4 but since I homeschooled her for kindergarten due to the move, the three of us have been together all day every day for the past year. It has been awesome for Mikaela and Holden's relationship for them to get this extra year to grow and play together. This transition is going to be bitter-sweet, but I know they are both ready, and more than anything I am very excited for them!

A couple years ago an awesome friend, incredible mama, and all around beautiful woman (Soryda!) challenged a bunch of us to live intentionally over the summer with our kids. So my thought right now is how to live intentional these next 3 weeks.

Here's to making some memories and having some fun before the schools start dictating our schedules!! :)

Here's a challenge for you: pick something you've never done, somewhere you've never been and just do it!! We all have those little things not far from home (most free or inexpensive) about which for years we've been saying "We should to that/go there." :) So pick one and make it happen before another summer comes to an end.

Holden had his surgery on Thursday and he is doing great!!!! The sore throat comes and goes but as long as he has something for the pain he is his usual, goofy self. :) Thanks for the thoughts, prayers and messages!


Thank the Lord for rotten cantaloupe!

Wow! Major parenting faux pas!

So late yesterday morning the kids and I came back from a walk around the neighborhood. I had been pulling the kids in the wagon. When we got back to the garage both kids went into the laundry room to take off their shoes and then head to their rooms to play until lunch was ready.

I put away the wagon, closed the garage door and came in. I noticed the dog was out of water, so I went out on the lanai and casually took in the warm tropical surroundings as I filled the bowl. Then I turned on my radio to have some wonderful music filling our home. I then proceeded to put away some nonperishable items I had dumped on counter from my earlier grocery run. Humm...those apples look yummy. So I begin munching on an apple. I go to put away the rest of the fruit and I notice the cantaloupe I had purchased just a few days before was rotten. I grumbled under my breath what a bummer this was.

I take the cantaloupe into the garage to throw it into the big trash can so it won't stink up the house. When I open the garage door I hear a faint call of, "Mommy...Mommy." It sounded like Holden, so I start to go back in and head to his bedroom. Then I hear what sounds like tiny fists on aluminum. This point I realize, "Oh my goodness! This sound is coming from the garage!" But as I start to look around I's coming from outside! I push the garage door button. As the door begins to rise the first thing I see are chubby little feet. I had shut him outside of the house! I had no idea. Thank goodness that rotten cantaloupe made me go out into the garage because otherwise I'm not sure I would have noticed for quite a long time!

So I grab him, and I'm holding him and apologizing. The first thing he says is, "Mommy, you left me outside!" I said, "Yes, I know sweetie. I'm so sorry. Were you scared?" He just looks at me and says, "No, I just wanted to come in there." :-) So first thing I do is to inform him that if I ever lock him out of the house again to please ring the doorbell! After that I spent some time thinking the Lord for rotten cantaloupe!

So, why am I sharing this?? I have no idea!!! Perhaps because everything is funnier in retrospect. Or maybe to make you feel better about your own parenting! :) We all have these moments. Accept these humbling experiences as reminders that we can do nothing on our own! The fact is, no matter how great we think we are, we can't even keep track of our preschoolers without the Lord's help!! :)


So the Lord and I walk into Hobby Lobby...

Seriously! No joke. I had a very rare experience this week. I was alone!!!!! :) The kids spent a couple days with Tim's parents who live about 3 and a half hours from us, and Tim was working, so I was on my own and for those of you stay at home moms with no family near by you know what I mean. It is a very strange feeling. I love my babies so much, and despite being tired and scattered most of the time, I feel totally lost when they are not with me. Part of me is missing. Though I often think how much I could get done if I only had day to myself, when they are not there it is like I walk around in a fog totally lost and not sure what to do.

But alas, Hobby Lobby was calling my name! I am still always on the lookout for those little details to finish making the new house a home. The ironic thing is I had just been there a week earlier with both kids in the cart, leaving no room for purchases, and trying to cover the entire store before the snacks ran out, and I really didn't see much I liked. Yet, the next week I walk in by myself and two hours later leave with a car load! :) Maybe keeping them around is good for the budget too!

Anyway, the point is The Lord and I had a really great time together in Hobby Lobby! As I was walking the aisles and seeing all the wall décor I was reading them, many of which are scripture verses. By the time I was half way through the store I was so stirred up in my spirit I would catch myself reading a plaque or a canvass and saying things like "Yes!" "Amen!" "Thank you, Lord!" It was a while before I realized what I was doing. Then the Lord and I had a good laugh. It was so refreshing to my spirit. (Albeit, a little lighting to my wallet as well!)

My friends, God is all around us, and He wants to meet us where we are. He is always speaking and ministering to His children. He loves us and wants, craves, to spend time with us. Open your eyes and see the signs of Him all around you. Ok, it may not be as clear as an encouraging scripture printed in fancy font on a 16x20 canvass, but it is there nonetheless. In the midst of your crazy day He wants to speak peace and power to your soul. Nothing can replace your focused "God-time." Getting up before everyone else to spend time with the Lord is perhaps the best thing you can do for yourself, your sanity, and your family! But rest assured, our God is not elusive! He is eagerly and actively pursuing you and your attention, and if the eyes of your heart are open, you will see Him!


Teaching Our Kids About the Trinity

"Holden, do you know who this is?" Mikaela asked as she pointed to the picture of a man in her Storybook Bible.
"That's God!" Holden replied enthusiastically.
"Well, actually that's Jesus, but they are really the same. It's complicated....."

I couldn't help but smile as my 5 year old gave my then 2 year old his first introduction to the Trinity. I'm not going to act like my mind is never boggled by this concept, but I'd like to pass on a tip that I believe the Lord laid on my heart about introducing my kids to the concept in a very simplistic way. Not too long ago Mikaela and I were talking and there comes a point in daily walking with your children that the line, "Yes, Jesus is God's son, but Jesus is God." inevitably comes out of your mouth. Cue strange look from child. You know, the one that says, "Mom has totally lost it!"

I pray a lot that the Lord will give me wisdom in sharing the things of Him (and everyday life lessons) with my kids in a way that they can relate to. I find creativity to be the most powerful tool, and I know that the Lord knows how to reach my kiddos right where they are far better than I do. It is usually not until after the fact that I stop and go, "Wow! Thank you, Lord! Because that idea sure didn't come from me!"

On this particular day when the subject of the Trinity came up I found myself saying this, "I know it is hard to understand, but you know how I am your mommy, and daddy's wife, and Gaga and Ppaw's daughter, but I am still just one person? It is kind of like that."

I won't lie. This may have helped my understanding as much as it did Mikaela's. It is no doubt a very simplistic breakdown of an entirely complex and holy ordinance, but like a child! :)

Hope this helps!

Holden Update: He is doing great and as always following one of his bouts with a fever episode, is showing no signs of any symptoms. We saw the infectious disease doctor yesterday. She said she sees this all the time and is fairly confident that it is a cyclical thing he will eventually grow out of. She gave us the order for more blood work to be done when and if he has another episode but until then, because all previous tests have come back normal, she sees no need for further testing until/unless it happens again. Thanks for the prayers!


Update on Holden

Hi all! Wanted to give you an update on the birthday boy! :-) That's right, today my baby turns 3 years old. :-)

If you read my last post you saw that Holden was sick last week. Unfortunately, he has had recurrent fevers every 2-5 weeks with no explanation since May of last year. We are trying to get to the bottom of this, and because of that last week we had 6 doctors' appointments in 4 days! As of right now Holden is totally back to his goofy self! :-) All of the tests done so far have come back normal. That is great except we still have no idea what's going on. We have another doctor's appointment lined up for Friday with an infectious disease doctor, and then we will be seeing another doctor for another follow up the first week of May.

Please keep us in your prayers as we keep exploring this. It could be something that he will just grow out of, but we just need to find what it is if there's something to find. Also, we are soon to be heading out a long awaited vacation, so please pray that we all stay healthy for that! Love to you all! Thanks in advance for your prayers.


Plan but be flexible! That way you won't totally break when it all falls apart!! :)

Here's a thought: Just because things don't go according to your plans, that doesn't mean they are not going according to His. When you wake up you may be expecting one thing and an entirely different day unfolds. While it may catch you off guard, remember to take the hand on the One who not only knows the way but build the path!! He knows what is around every corner and He has equipped you to handle it before you even saw it coming.

Today is mine and Tim's 9th wedding anniversary! :) We had plans that after Easter weekend at Tim's parents' (3 and a half hours away) the kids would stay there for a few days giving Tim and I some much needed alone time. (Something we have not had since July of last year.) On Sunday evening we were 30 minutes from home when we get a call that Holden (who had been great all day) had developed a fever. Really??? And just like that, all the highly anticipated plans went out the window. We waited out the night to see if it was just a passing thing, but I received a call at 7 a.m. the next baby needed me and my "Mommy's day off" morphed into 6 hours in the car (we also got stuck in traffic), two doctors' visits, and holding him down while they drew blood form his little arm...twice! (He has been having chronic fevers off and on for about a year that we're trying to get to the bottom of.)

As I was having my God-time Monday morning, praying God would heal Holden and preserve this special time for Tim and I, something entirely different was in the works. When the call came in I am grateful that by His strength and continuous sanctification I was able to say, "Ok, Lord. You've got this. Help me to make wise decisions and operate in the peace and joy you have for me, trusting you with each step."

The fact is, nothing that happens surprises God. In fact nothing happens that He didn't know about before time began! The scriptures tell us that each day of our lives was planned before one of them came to be! (Psalm 139:16)

Absolutely nothing can happen that He can't (won't) use for good if we will just lay it at His feet. (Romans 8:28) While the circumstances may be bad the results can be good. Trust Him. And be confident as Joseph was that what Satan intends for evil God can use for good!

So, instead of letting circumstances and the unexpected throw you off and turn you into an emotional wreck, determine now that, whatever comes your way, your plan is to just go with it! Trusting that His ways are better that yours. And no matter what may come, be confident in His great love for you and know that He will never let go of your hand!
"Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice." Isaiah 41:10 (AMP)


Death Before Life

"Is this the Jesus book?" Holden asked as he picked up the "My First Easter Story" book that we'd read the night before.

"Yes, would you like to read it again?"

"No, I don't want to read that. Jesus dies and the bad men put thorns on His head. Let's read "Pete the Cat" instead."

How many times does the painful and undesirable proceed the blessing, the lovely, the gift? Pain before childbirth, storms before rainbows, winter before spring, humility before promotion, The cross before the resurrection!

Whatever tough spot you may find yourself in, know that God can and will give you "beauty for ashes, joy for mourning." (Isaiah 61:3)  Lay your broken pieces at His feet and know that He can put things together better than they were before. He works all things together for good to those who love Him. (Romans 8:28) It is not enough to merely "know" this. You must believe it. Even when (especially when) you do not "feel" it. You go to Him anyway and in complete transparency tell your Daddy, "I feel like I'm losing it! Everything is falling apart and this sucks! I don't think I can take anymore! BUT, I know your Word says you'll never give me more than I can bear (1 Cor. 3:10) and that those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31), so here I am, Lord. I'm waiting!"

Never hesitate to be honest with God. He knows what you're thinking anyway!! :)

More updates on Florida Life coming soon! :) In short....we miss everyone in VA but we love it here!!!! So great to know you are where God wants you. He continues to confirm this decision many times over in the most unexpected ways. :) The house is no longer a construction zone. I may actually begin working as a designer with the contractor who did our house!! And come August both kiddos will be in new schools! Holden (who turns 3 on the 15th!) will go to preschool at a wonderful place M-W and Mikaela will be starting 1st grade at Indialantic Elementary!  It will be a new season that I will enter hard and fast and you will likely be hearing much more about it!! :) Work is going very good for Tim, and we are thrilled with our awesome new church and ready to start really plugging in there!

Happy Easter! He Is Risen!!!


A New Record!

So this morning I am up drinking coffee at 2:30! Beating my old record by at least half an hour. :) If you have known me (or followed my blog) long, you know this is not that unusual for me. I often get crazy looks from people when I am disgustingly bubbly at 8 a.m., and they discover I have already been up for 5 hours. :)

I have to say one of the best lessons I learned a couple years ago was to stop fighting insomnia. God gave me this great object lesson when I was thinking about my frequent sleepless nights. I used to spend them tossing and turning, fighting the fact that I was not at all sleepy despite being exhausted when climbing into bed and only getting 3 hours sleep. If I did finally manage to fall back to sleep after literally hours of lying there wide awake, I was never happy and rested the next morning. Only groggy and irritated.

I would even sometimes get upset with the Lord in the middle of the night. It would go something like this, "God, you know that I am an exhausted mom of two little kids who need very little sleep and have an unending supply of energy. You know I am with these wonderful little crazies all day every day, months at a time with not so much as an hour when I don't have to be "on." Please! I NEED my sleep!!" But one day, while thinking about this struggle, this passage came to mind...

"But God—so rich is He in His mercy! Because of and in order to satisfy the great and wonderful and intense love with which He loved us, Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ;" Ephesians 2:4-5 (AMP)
WOW! Isn't it mind-blowing to think that the God of the universe needed to satisfy the intense love He has for you??? I began to see my sleeplessness in a whole new way. Do you remember being a kid and your grandparents sleeping over? Or perhaps you've witnessed your own kids when grandparents come for a visit. It is all I can do to keep Mikaela and Holden from busting down the door to the guest room at 6 a.m. each morning because they are dying to get in there and wake them up! They can't wait to spend time with them! I feel God has shown me that He is the same way. Now, when my eyes pop open at 2:30 in the morning and I know sleep is not coming I often smile. I realize God is like a little child who can't contain Himself when it comes to how much He loves me! It's like He is sitting by my bed saying, "Come on! Come on! Get up! Get up! I want to spend some time with you!" And He and I both know that if I get out of bed at that time He won't have to share me with anyone else fighting for my attention. And even though I may fall asleep on the couch after sometime together, you can bet I am in a much better mood when the sun comes up than if I'd laid in bed irritated most of the night.

Perhaps the hardest part about these middle of the night rituals is the fact that I am convinced that the same children who have managed to sleep through fireworks and smoke alarms can hear me breath from three rooms away at 3 a.m. I walk around like some ridiculous robot that needs a serious oil job trying not to make a sound. I'm talking stirring my coffee slowly and precisely so as not to bump the sides of the mug for fear of being found out! :) But all in all, these are special times! The next time you can't sleep, don't fight it. Instead, realize the God of the universe is begging you to get up and spend time with Him!


Think About It!

Have you ever had your breath taken away by a sunset? Or stood in awe before majestic mountains? Have you ever been silenced by the roaring of the sea? Or stood paralyzed at the site of the stars?

Scripture tells us that all of creation declares His glory; however, should not the thing made in His very image declare Him more than any other?

How about you? Do people stop in their tracks to stare in wonder at the glory of God they see in you? Do they marvel at a joy that surpasses circumstances, at a peace that makes absolutely no sense apart from Christ?

So why then are we being out done by trees and rocks? If nature merely declares His glory, then we, who are the very image of that glory should be far more breath-taking! It would be the difference between someone telling you about the majesty of Niagara Falls and actually standing right at it's edge. Think about it! It is nice to hear about how massive and powerful the falls are but to actually stand near it you have to wear a rain coat because it will splash all over you! Anyone getting the picture???

To answer my earlier question...trees and rocks don't have a choice, we do! Which choice will you make?

This line of thought was inspired by reading the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan.


Put a lampshade on your head and laugh about it!

 So here we are again! The beginning of a new year. 2015! Seems like only yesterday we were partying like it was 1999! :-)

How are you feeling about things? Personally, as I look around and see all of these boxes yet to be unpacked and all of the construction yet to be finished it's easy to have moments of feeling overwhelmed and behind. Do you ever feel like your life is jam packed and there's not even room for you? Like say for instance you're driving a Toyota Highlander with 2 car seats and two children, and you've just bought three chairs, a table, two lampshades, a 5 drawer storage bin, and several other miscellaneous items. As you start loading it up you begin to realize, along with the disgruntled stock boy, that this may not work! You move, you push, you shove. You are determined that yes you can! You are super mom and you will make this work!

Does life ever feel like this Highlander?! A little too small for what you have in mind? If you find yourself feeling this crowded, with no way to twist, no way to turn and nowhere to put your feet, just do what my kids did. Stick a lampshade on your head, and laugh about it! :-)

As we jump into this new year, I realize once again that I can learn so much from these kiddos. Yes, there's a lot to do, and the fact is there will always be a lot to do. But God did not give us a spirit of fear or of frustration. He gave us a spirit of power, of love, and a sound mind! He has told us that laughter is good medicine, that he fills our hearts with singing, and that His joy is our strength! His power is made perfect in our weakness! So take time to chill out. Thank God for all the blessings you have. Ask him for the strength to do what you have to do every day because we know we can do anything and everything He calls us to because Christ gives us the strength. And then, when you're all out of ideas, just put a lampshade on your head and laugh! :) Happy 2015! Love to you all.

And as far as the moving goes... We have been living in the home for about 4 weeks now. Absolutely love it here! Still plenty to do but trying to have fun doing it. :-) Hope you are all well. Feel free to call or text me anytime. Miss everyone! Sending love from the tropics. :-)