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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


15 Minute "God-Time" Routine

God-time, quiet-time, call it what you will. The fact is, the more our kids need us the more we need Him, and yet the more needy they are the harder it can be to get in our time with the Lord.

I get this. I truly do. I've been through seasons where the best I could do was give thanks while in the bathroom, pray while brushing my teeth, and read a devotional while making my coffee. Regardless
of the season, regardless of how sleep deprived (I think I got a total of six hours sleep in Holden’s first 2 years!), I refused to ever give it up, even if it didn't look exactly the way I wanted it to.

Saying you do not have time to spend with God is like saying you don't have time to breathe. He is the creator and sustainer of our life. His plans for us are greater than we could ever imagine. He is the only one Who knows the way. Nothing can give us the strength, the confidence, the faith, the power and the comfort that time in His presence can. He is our life source. We cannot survive without breathing, and we cannot truly live without being plugged into our Lord.

On the average day I'm up before the sun and the kids with my coffee and my Bible.  It is my favorite part of the day, and I guard it like a hawk! On the days where, for one reason or another that time gets infringed upon I can feel it in every ounce of my spirit, body and soul. (And so can those around me!) I promise you, once you start making this time with God a regular part of your day you will find that you want it more and more. He will create the desire in you. His Word is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12) and never returns void but accomplishes what He sends it out to do. (Isaiah 55:11) It will get
deep down inside you, and you will get to the point where you crave it and cannot stand a day without crawling into the Father's lap and letting Him pour out His love, His wisdom and His power into your heart through His Word.

There is no “right” formula. God just wants to spend time with you. But I know if you’ve been out of practice or are looking to start a new habit, a little structured guidance can help push you in the right direction. Here is a simple plan to help you get going:

  • Choose the spot (a comfy chair, the corner of the sofa, etc..). Put your Bible, a journal, a pen and a blanket there.
  • Select a 15 minute window...preferably in the a.m. before others are up.
  • Take a deep breath, and start with, "Lord, you are awesome! Thank You so much for...." List three things.
  • Speak this truth over your home. “He who works deceit shall not dwell in my house; he who tells lies shall not continue in my presence.” ‭Psalm‬ ‭101:7‬ ‭AMPC
  • Pray for your baby(s)..."The ways of the Lord are always in the forefront of their minds (Psalm 119:98), and His praise is continually on their lips!" (Psalms 34:1)
  • Grab your Bible, and pray, "Lord, open the eyes of my heart that I might behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18
  • Now read the Word. If you're not sure where to start open to Proverbs or Ephesians, and read a chapter (or even just a few verses if that's all it takes to give your mind something to chew on), and turn into a prayer anything that jumps out at you.

There you go. Simple yet powerful! Again, there’s no one right way to spend time with the Lord. Every morning looks different for me as each day I wake up with different thoughts, people, and concerns on my heart. Have doubts or questions? He can take it! Take those to Him as well. The scripture says in James 4:8 that when we draw near to God He will draw near to us. I challenge you, watch and see what He will do in you when you set aside focused time to be with Him each day.

Click HERE for more posts on getting into the Word and getting something out of it!


  1. Beautiful! This message is very encouraging to me this morning. The Lord always finds the most unique ways to urge me back into His lap.

    1. Tonya, I'm so glad you enjoyed this post! Hope you've been having some great "God-time"!


Thanks for taking the time to chime in! Let me know if you have any specific topics on your mind! Enjoy the day!