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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


When God speaks to you through your kids, listen!

What God said through the mouth of my four-year-old son while I was cleaning milk and Cheerios off the floor for the second time this morning. Oh and by the way, I was the culprit in this mess! 


Get into the Bible and get something out of it! - Part 1

Super excited about this new video blog series I just started! If you've ever found yourself struggling to really get something out of studying the Bible, or really get yourself geared up to do it, please check out this series. Simple, practical steps to just get into the Word and really get something out of it! 

 Click the link below:

 Please like, Subscribe, follow, share, and all that good stuff! :-) Enjoy!

Here's a picture of the kiddos modeling Nerium, the antiaging skincare line I sell! :-) They are both absolutely loving school! They are doing great and there's another picture here of my baby girl who just turned seven!😳