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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Are you $0.97 away from a breakthrough?

Well, what do you think? Could $0.97 be separating you from the relationship you truly desire with your daughter? I'm hoping it is for me! I wanted to let you in on my newest attempt to stay on the offense against this crazy hormonal surge that is already taking over my 6 year old daughter!

I think a big part of our jobs as parents is being inventive problem solvers. I'm constantly praying for new methods and ideas to improve my creative parenting. Sometimes I try something, and it's phenomenal! The heavens part, rays of sunshine beam down, the heavenly angels sing a course of, "Awwww," and I know it was from the Lord! At other times my kids look at me like I've lost my mind, and I know I've gone too far. :-)

So Mikaela and I are still falling hard and fast into this new stage of our relationship that I had hoped would be a few years away. Nonetheless, here it is. My cheerful,  upbeat, confident, little girl is dealing with bouts of extreme shyness which frequently cause her to basically be rude and shut down when encountering anyone outside of our home. And a few times I have found myself on the receiving end of her dagger pitching glares.  It's so counter to her behavior for the first 5 years, and she herself is having trouble understanding what's going on. On the one hand, it breaks my heart to see this struggle. On the other hand, it makes me see red, and it's all I can do to maintain my composure. But I have a choice. I can sit around and fume, constantly asking, "Why?" "What's wrong?" Or I can start implementing some attempts at helping her (and me) cope with where we are right now. I am choosing the the grace of God!

So here is where the $0.97 comes in. This morning I took a $0.97 composition book and on the first page this is what I wrote:

     This is your very first journal! You can use this to write your feelings and your thoughts. You can use it when there is something you want to remember. Write in it when you are happy or sad, excited or scared, worried or thankful (especially when you are thankful!).
     You can even use this journal to write letters to me or prayers to God. Sometimes I will write letters to you in it, and sometimes I will write Bible verses or positive sayings I want you to practice and memorize. Together we will fill these pages with words you can treasure forever!
                                                                                    I love you always!
                                                                                             ~ Mommy

I also wrote the following lines (one per page), and asked her to please write each one three times:
"To have friends I have to be friendly."
"No matter how I feel I can choose a good attitude."
"'Be kind and loving to each other,' Ephesians 4:32"
"'In everything, treat people the same way you want them to treat you,' Matthew 7:12."

She loved the idea and was eager to begin our new journaling project together. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!