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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Teaching Our Kids About the Trinity

"Holden, do you know who this is?" Mikaela asked as she pointed to the picture of a man in her Storybook Bible.
"That's God!" Holden replied enthusiastically.
"Well, actually that's Jesus, but they are really the same. It's complicated....."

I couldn't help but smile as my 5 year old gave my then 2 year old his first introduction to the Trinity. I'm not going to act like my mind is never boggled by this concept, but I'd like to pass on a tip that I believe the Lord laid on my heart about introducing my kids to the concept in a very simplistic way. Not too long ago Mikaela and I were talking and there comes a point in daily walking with your children that the line, "Yes, Jesus is God's son, but Jesus is God." inevitably comes out of your mouth. Cue strange look from child. You know, the one that says, "Mom has totally lost it!"

I pray a lot that the Lord will give me wisdom in sharing the things of Him (and everyday life lessons) with my kids in a way that they can relate to. I find creativity to be the most powerful tool, and I know that the Lord knows how to reach my kiddos right where they are far better than I do. It is usually not until after the fact that I stop and go, "Wow! Thank you, Lord! Because that idea sure didn't come from me!"

On this particular day when the subject of the Trinity came up I found myself saying this, "I know it is hard to understand, but you know how I am your mommy, and daddy's wife, and Gaga and Ppaw's daughter, but I am still just one person? It is kind of like that."

I won't lie. This may have helped my understanding as much as it did Mikaela's. It is no doubt a very simplistic breakdown of an entirely complex and holy ordinance, but like a child! :)

Hope this helps!

Holden Update: He is doing great and as always following one of his bouts with a fever episode, is showing no signs of any symptoms. We saw the infectious disease doctor yesterday. She said she sees this all the time and is fairly confident that it is a cyclical thing he will eventually grow out of. She gave us the order for more blood work to be done when and if he has another episode but until then, because all previous tests have come back normal, she sees no need for further testing until/unless it happens again. Thanks for the prayers!


Update on Holden

Hi all! Wanted to give you an update on the birthday boy! :-) That's right, today my baby turns 3 years old. :-)

If you read my last post you saw that Holden was sick last week. Unfortunately, he has had recurrent fevers every 2-5 weeks with no explanation since May of last year. We are trying to get to the bottom of this, and because of that last week we had 6 doctors' appointments in 4 days! As of right now Holden is totally back to his goofy self! :-) All of the tests done so far have come back normal. That is great except we still have no idea what's going on. We have another doctor's appointment lined up for Friday with an infectious disease doctor, and then we will be seeing another doctor for another follow up the first week of May.

Please keep us in your prayers as we keep exploring this. It could be something that he will just grow out of, but we just need to find what it is if there's something to find. Also, we are soon to be heading out a long awaited vacation, so please pray that we all stay healthy for that! Love to you all! Thanks in advance for your prayers.


Plan but be flexible! That way you won't totally break when it all falls apart!! :)

Here's a thought: Just because things don't go according to your plans, that doesn't mean they are not going according to His. When you wake up you may be expecting one thing and an entirely different day unfolds. While it may catch you off guard, remember to take the hand on the One who not only knows the way but build the path!! He knows what is around every corner and He has equipped you to handle it before you even saw it coming.

Today is mine and Tim's 9th wedding anniversary! :) We had plans that after Easter weekend at Tim's parents' (3 and a half hours away) the kids would stay there for a few days giving Tim and I some much needed alone time. (Something we have not had since July of last year.) On Sunday evening we were 30 minutes from home when we get a call that Holden (who had been great all day) had developed a fever. Really??? And just like that, all the highly anticipated plans went out the window. We waited out the night to see if it was just a passing thing, but I received a call at 7 a.m. the next baby needed me and my "Mommy's day off" morphed into 6 hours in the car (we also got stuck in traffic), two doctors' visits, and holding him down while they drew blood form his little arm...twice! (He has been having chronic fevers off and on for about a year that we're trying to get to the bottom of.)

As I was having my God-time Monday morning, praying God would heal Holden and preserve this special time for Tim and I, something entirely different was in the works. When the call came in I am grateful that by His strength and continuous sanctification I was able to say, "Ok, Lord. You've got this. Help me to make wise decisions and operate in the peace and joy you have for me, trusting you with each step."

The fact is, nothing that happens surprises God. In fact nothing happens that He didn't know about before time began! The scriptures tell us that each day of our lives was planned before one of them came to be! (Psalm 139:16)

Absolutely nothing can happen that He can't (won't) use for good if we will just lay it at His feet. (Romans 8:28) While the circumstances may be bad the results can be good. Trust Him. And be confident as Joseph was that what Satan intends for evil God can use for good!

So, instead of letting circumstances and the unexpected throw you off and turn you into an emotional wreck, determine now that, whatever comes your way, your plan is to just go with it! Trusting that His ways are better that yours. And no matter what may come, be confident in His great love for you and know that He will never let go of your hand!
"Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice." Isaiah 41:10 (AMP)


Death Before Life

"Is this the Jesus book?" Holden asked as he picked up the "My First Easter Story" book that we'd read the night before.

"Yes, would you like to read it again?"

"No, I don't want to read that. Jesus dies and the bad men put thorns on His head. Let's read "Pete the Cat" instead."

How many times does the painful and undesirable proceed the blessing, the lovely, the gift? Pain before childbirth, storms before rainbows, winter before spring, humility before promotion, The cross before the resurrection!

Whatever tough spot you may find yourself in, know that God can and will give you "beauty for ashes, joy for mourning." (Isaiah 61:3)  Lay your broken pieces at His feet and know that He can put things together better than they were before. He works all things together for good to those who love Him. (Romans 8:28) It is not enough to merely "know" this. You must believe it. Even when (especially when) you do not "feel" it. You go to Him anyway and in complete transparency tell your Daddy, "I feel like I'm losing it! Everything is falling apart and this sucks! I don't think I can take anymore! BUT, I know your Word says you'll never give me more than I can bear (1 Cor. 3:10) and that those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31), so here I am, Lord. I'm waiting!"

Never hesitate to be honest with God. He knows what you're thinking anyway!! :)

More updates on Florida Life coming soon! :) In short....we miss everyone in VA but we love it here!!!! So great to know you are where God wants you. He continues to confirm this decision many times over in the most unexpected ways. :) The house is no longer a construction zone. I may actually begin working as a designer with the contractor who did our house!! And come August both kiddos will be in new schools! Holden (who turns 3 on the 15th!) will go to preschool at a wonderful place M-W and Mikaela will be starting 1st grade at Indialantic Elementary!  It will be a new season that I will enter hard and fast and you will likely be hearing much more about it!! :) Work is going very good for Tim, and we are thrilled with our awesome new church and ready to start really plugging in there!

Happy Easter! He Is Risen!!!