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Purpose in Pain: Thank you, Lord?

“Give thanks in all circumstances.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18a

How? How do you give thanks in the midst of your darkest moment…in fear, in pain, possibly even in anger?

A few years back the Lord brought something to my attention that has been a great help to me. If you take a look at the beginning of the book of Job we see Satan coming to the Lord after having been roaming around on the earth, and God actually brought up Job. He asked, “Have you considered my servant Job?” (God was proud of Job!) Even Satan knew that Job was a man of God. But he presented God with a challenge. In Jenny paraphrase he said, “Look, I know that he is a great man of faith and all, but look at how much you’ve blessed him! He’s one of the wealthiest men on the earth. It’s easy for him to serve you! I promise that if you take all that away from him he will no longer be a great man of faith.” God says, “I’ll take that challenge.” You see, God had faith in Job’s faith! Does God see me that way? Does Satan see me as a threat he wants to take down? Just a thought…if you have had no struggles, maybe Satan doesn’t view you as a problem…hummmm….

So how about when faced with a trial we try responding with something like this, “Thank you, Lord that you see me as strong enough to go through this trail. I know I can do whatever I have to do through the power of Christ living in me, which gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)

Here’s another thought…In John chapter 9 we see a man born blind. Many ask Jesus, “Who sinned that this happened?” And Jesus answers that no one sinned but this has happened that God may be glorified. Then they all witnessed the power of God as Christ restored the man's sight.

I am not saying that God has caused your trial, but I am saying that, if you let Him, God will use whatever you are going through to grow and strengthen you and your faith and to gain glory for Himself and His kingdom. People are watching you in the midst of your trial. Let them see God! And give God thanks that He is with you every step of the way and that He sees you as strong enough to go through this. He never gives us more than we can bear. (1 Cor. 10:13)

If you are going through a tough time, I challenge you to take a few minute and list all the things you can be thankful for in the midst of your trial. This may be difficult, but give it a shot. I promise the change in perspective will increase your strength. And please remember, God loves you and will never leave you.

The day after learning we had loss the baby (February 2011) I made this list of things I could be thankful for:

  • My mother-in-law was here to stay with Mikaela when it all happened.
  • I have an amazing husband who loves me and the Lord. He’s strong and compassionate.
  • Tim was able to be with me for the ultrasound when I got the news.
  • I found out from the doctors and not at home alone.
  • They were able to schedule the procedure quickly.
  • I have a wonderful, Christian doctor.
  • I have Mikaela to come home to and hold.
  • My parents came up and we had time together.  
What can you be thankful for?