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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Crazy life! :)

Hi All! Sorry for going MIA! Life has been very abnormal for us lately. Of course that phrase implies I have some idea of what normal actually is! :)  In late February we entered a season of family challenge we had never before dealt with to this magnitude. Tim was made capture manager of a large Florida! He has been traveling 5-6 days a week since then.

This brings up a great point! Trust that God will give you the grace you need when you need it. And not likely a moment before! Don't compare yourself to others and their story. Never say you could not do something and then believe the lie that if another woman is doing that very thing then she is superwoman and your worth, value, and ability are somehow minimized.

If anyone had told me we were going to find ourselves living in this type of instability for this length of time I would have lost it. I know for some of you this may be the norm, but this is not the life style we are accustomed to and it is not the plan I signed up for! :) But the simple fact is, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." (Phil. 4:13) And day in and day out,  morning after morning, bedtime routine after bedtime routine somehow God continues to give me exactly what I need to keep going and in the mist of it all actually enjoy myself, my life, and my kids along the way. Of course we are ready for this to end so I can get some time to enjoy my hubby as well! :)

It has been an exhausting four months full of uncertainty and the inability to commit to much of anything. But God is growing us as two type A's deal with the harsh reality of not being able to plan and learning to "just go with it" as much as possible given who God naturally made us to be. :) Thankfully we believe we are just about 4 weeks from the finish line.

Anything He calls to you He will equip you to do! I promise you, no matter what your current situation God is right there with you, and He will give you everything you need the moment you need it...but probably not before then so that is where we must learn to trust and wait expectantly for our great God! (Phil 4:19, Psalm 42:5)