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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Thank you!!!

It is no coincidence that the day after my last post I woke with lifted spirits, a song of praise on my lips and a joyous feeling of being wrapped in my Father's arms. My circumstances had not changed, but I have no doubt that the power of your payers for me made such a difference!

Why do we insist on carrying our burdens alone...hoping to just get over it rather than opening our hearts to fellow brothers and sisters at the onset, allowing them to join us in our battle as we fight the good fight against the powers of this world which are constantly striving for control of our minds and seeking to rob us of all joy and in the process inhibiting us from making any impact for the Kingdom as we stew in our own pit of self-doubt and human inability? (WOW! That was the longest sentence ever!) But the fact is, we need each other! We are called to bear each others' burdens, to spur each other on to good works. We are to stir each other up in the Spirit and agree together in prayer. There is such power in doing things God's way!

A special thanks to the beautiful women who reached out to me over the past few days to let me know you have been lifting me up in prayer! Love you guys!!!!!

I still have struggles, but thanks to your prayers and the faithfulness of the Lord I have renewed hope and peace and joy! To God be the glory!