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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Think About It!

Have you ever had your breath taken away by a sunset? Or stood in awe before majestic mountains? Have you ever been silenced by the roaring of the sea? Or stood paralyzed at the site of the stars?

Scripture tells us that all of creation declares His glory; however, should not the thing made in His very image declare Him more than any other?

How about you? Do people stop in their tracks to stare in wonder at the glory of God they see in you? Do they marvel at a joy that surpasses circumstances, at a peace that makes absolutely no sense apart from Christ?

So why then are we being out done by trees and rocks? If nature merely declares His glory, then we, who are the very image of that glory should be far more breath-taking! It would be the difference between someone telling you about the majesty of Niagara Falls and actually standing right at it's edge. Think about it! It is nice to hear about how massive and powerful the falls are but to actually stand near it you have to wear a rain coat because it will splash all over you! Anyone getting the picture???

To answer my earlier question...trees and rocks don't have a choice, we do! Which choice will you make?

This line of thought was inspired by reading the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan.