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Teaching Our Kids About the Trinity

"Holden, do you know who this is?" Mikaela asked as she pointed to the picture of a man in her Storybook Bible.
"That's God!" Holden replied enthusiastically.
"Well, actually that's Jesus, but they are really the same. It's complicated....."

I couldn't help but smile as my 5 year old gave my then 2 year old his first introduction to the Trinity. I'm not going to act like my mind is never boggled by this concept, but I'd like to pass on a tip that I believe the Lord laid on my heart about introducing my kids to the concept in a very simplistic way. Not too long ago Mikaela and I were talking and there comes a point in daily walking with your children that the line, "Yes, Jesus is God's son, but Jesus is God." inevitably comes out of your mouth. Cue strange look from child. You know, the one that says, "Mom has totally lost it!"

I pray a lot that the Lord will give me wisdom in sharing the things of Him (and everyday life lessons) with my kids in a way that they can relate to. I find creativity to be the most powerful tool, and I know that the Lord knows how to reach my kiddos right where they are far better than I do. It is usually not until after the fact that I stop and go, "Wow! Thank you, Lord! Because that idea sure didn't come from me!"

On this particular day when the subject of the Trinity came up I found myself saying this, "I know it is hard to understand, but you know how I am your mommy, and daddy's wife, and Gaga and Ppaw's daughter, but I am still just one person? It is kind of like that."

I won't lie. This may have helped my understanding as much as it did Mikaela's. It is no doubt a very simplistic breakdown of an entirely complex and holy ordinance, but like a child! :)

Hope this helps!

Holden Update: He is doing great and as always following one of his bouts with a fever episode, is showing no signs of any symptoms. We saw the infectious disease doctor yesterday. She said she sees this all the time and is fairly confident that it is a cyclical thing he will eventually grow out of. She gave us the order for more blood work to be done when and if he has another episode but until then, because all previous tests have come back normal, she sees no need for further testing until/unless it happens again. Thanks for the prayers!