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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


It's all about love!

Ever promised your worried child that everything will be ok and then desperately prayed, "Lord, please let it!" It's like saying, "God, I know you are in control and have a plan, but could you please make everything work out the way I want because I just promised my kids that you would?"

Yes, God promised to always be with us, but He also promised trouble would come! We can't just roll the dice on hoping no trouble will come until our kids are at least teenagers and we can leave dealing with faith issues to them (and the youth pastor!).

How do we reconcile protecting our kids' emotions/feelings and prepping their faith? In 2014, when Tim was traveling 6 days a week, Mikaela was getting worried about his safety. I wanted to say, "Don't worry, Sweetie. God will keep Daddy safe." But what if??? Then God spoke to my heart. "Focus on my love. Teach her that no matter what, I love!"

I have learned that my own doubts be traced back to a lack of understanding of His love for me. We must teach our kids about God's great love for them. If we teach them that all will be ok, that God will always protect them and keep them safe and will not let anything bad happen to them, we set them up for a major crisis of faith when the promised trouble comes. Instead, let's camp on God's great love for us. Giving them a foundational truth to fall on regardless of what happens in life. Teach them to give any fears to God, but also to know John 16:33. "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." Teach them first and foremost of His great love, so that, come what may, the power of that truth will be their strength when nothing else makes sense.

Though everything around them may crumble, still they will be able to stand in the power and love of their great God. (Psalm 46:2; Isaiah 54:10) If they know nothing else, knowing God loves them will give them the ability to face whatever comes with a firm foundation and a place to turn. God never said there will be no troubles, but He did say He will never leave them. They may find themselves in the fiery furnace, but introduce them to the God who will be right there by their side!

Give your kids a faith that says, "Whether or not He delivers me, I know His love never leaves me." While they need to know God is able and there is nothing too hard for Him, don't build their faith on what He can do for them but rather on what He has already done - so greatly displayed His love, lavished His great love upon us. (Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:1) 

An understanding of His love means we can face each day with confidence. Knowing that, no matter what, His love never fails or changes. Our God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow And, "God is love!" (1John 4:8)