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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


New series starting soon!

  Come all ye exhausted, frustrated, tired, cranky, moody, confused, upset, weepy and discouraged mommies. Let us reason together!

I once heard our incredible pastor's wife say that the most powerful words in women's ministry are, "me too." And she is so right! If you've ever had the privilege of bringing your wearied soul to a group of ladies, who share your love for the Lord and your calling to motherhood, and have heard them say the words, "me too," in response to your cries of exhaustion, fears of failure, frustration and self condemnation, your ups and your downs, your lowest points and your highest highs then you know how powerful these words can be.

I am about to start a new series for all of those mommies who have ever found themselves in the midst of three piles of laundry, desperately in need of a shower, knowing you need to go vacuum that same spot under the kitchen table for the third time today, and praying you can keep your eyes open until bedtime, and in the midst of all that stopped and asked yourself, "Is this really it? Is this really making a difference?" You once dreamed of impacting the world and now you feel like you can't even make a dent in the dirty dishes. If you are saying, "Yes! I've been there!" Then let me say to you, "Me too!"

In many ways it is these feelings that prompted this blog in the first place. I want to encourage others and myself that being mommy is not just something to get through, it is a powerful, divine calling! In the coming series, most likely to be titled "Tend Your Sheep," I will be sharing some of the things the Lord has laid on my heart about this precious, albiet, exhausting season of life. My hope is to inspire you to take hold of this calling and to carry it out with boldness, and also to not lose site of the other visions of success and accomplishment that the Lord has placed on your heart. 

Please share my blog with anyone you know who may find this helpful. Looking forward to exploring this more. In the meantime... Do not grow weary in doing good for in due season you shall reap a harvest if you do not faint! The joy of the Lord is your strength, so don't just get through. Do everything your hands find to do as for the Lord, and live each day determined to enjoy and have your life in abundance, to the full until it overflows! (Galatians 6:9, Nehemiah 8:10, Ecclesiastes 9:10, Colossians 3:23, John 10:10 AMP)

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