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Merry Christmas!

"It is time to make what Jesus did for you bigger than what anyone did to you!" 
- Christine Caine 

Take that and go forward and walk in the victory that Christ has already won on your behalf! Christians, this is OUR season. This isn't about a man in a red suit, this isn't about bright lights, this isn't about cookies. All of that is great, but every bit of it is to honor and praise and recognize the day that the Lord of Lords and King of Kings laid down His glory and stepped into our world in the form of a vulnerable, poor, helpless baby for the sole purpose of living with the goal of laying down His life in the most horrific of ways out of a love that we can scarcely comprehend. All for the purpose of bringing you and I into a perfect, whole, passionate, fully reconciled, completely forgiven and incredibly exciting relationship with the Creator of the world, the Lover of our souls, our one true Father!

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest! Climbing off the soapbox now. 😁

Merry Christmas!

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