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Helping women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday "stuff."


Losing it!

Ever feel like you are losing it?! The walls are closing in. It’s like you're drowning in a sea of exhaustion. Like you could fall apart at any minute, and it is all you can do to keep at bay the tears that continually brim your eyes? No? Anyone?

Trust me…It’s not always Hunky-dory Holiness around here! J In fact, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week were particularly rough for me….and for my family! I’ve talked to enough “sisters” to know that I am not alone in this.  Hormones and emotions and the sheer exhaustion of our calling can really zap us.

Am I on top of all this? Goodness no! I mess it up monthly! But I’m so much better than I used to be, and with the help of the Holy Spirit I will continue to grow in this area. I must accept it as an area I’ll always have to fight and do so in the name of the Lord!

As women, we must believe God is on our side, and that He designed us with all these emotions and hormones for His glory! I know, seriously? But His ways are higher than ours!

I am about to start a series I call “Holy Hormones!” J From our preteen years until our last days, we all fight our own hormonal battles. This series can apply to you regardless of your stage in the journey. I hope you will spread the word and tune in yourself. I pray the Lord will use the things He has taught and is still teaching me about submitting to Him in mind, body, spirit and hormones!

Until next time here is a thought…

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].” Psalm 91:1

This does not necessarily mean that our emotions will never be disturbed if we are continually dwelling in Him, but rather that we can have an inner peace in the midst of swirling thoughts, emotions and moods. Even if our head is spinning, our spirit can still be grounding on the Rock! Never, never, never give up your own daily time with the Lord. Fight for it! Plan around it. Neglecting it is like trying to live without breathing!  It can’t be done. You cannot thrive or even survive spiritually without drawing nourishment from Him and His Word! If this means keeping a Bible in your bathroom and locking the door to get 30 seconds then do it! This is war!

Look for the “Holy Hormones!” series to start next week. Please tell your friends!